

 Japanese, Kaiseki & Tea Ceremony

Cha-kaiseki cuisine is a full course meal served in a tea ceremony and it is a principal of Japanese cuisine. To entertain guests wholeheartedly, Cha-kaiseki is prepared with great care and time, OONO accepts only one group of up to 6 people per day with reservations made one week in advance. Their Omakase Course starts with rice, followed by soup, sashimi, simmered dish, grilled dish, simmered dish, clear soup, assorted seasonal side dishes, pickled vegetables, rice, dessert and tea to round out the meal. At OONO, even without knowledge about the formal etiquette of a tea ceremony, diners can savor the cuisine in a relaxed and cozy atmosphere and enjoy tea after the meal. Courses are available for V11,000 (4 ppl~), V13,200 (3 ppl~), ¥16,500 (3 ppl-) and ¥22,000 (2 ppl~) and ingredients and the number of dishes vary according to the price and include kaiseki dishes, a cup of sake, tea ceremony experience and souvenir. Tea ceremony events are held irregularly. Once the guests choose their favorite tea bowl, the owner makes USUCHA-Thin Tea (¥450) with homemade Japanese sweets (*100-). With the restaurant available for reservations 24 hours a day, guests will feel like VIPs as they enjoy hearty hospitality and authentic Cha-kaiseki cuisine in a casual setting, making for an unforgettable experience at Kobikicho OONO. 1 minute from Yotsuya-sanchome station (M11).


Open 7 days a week, 24 hours (reservations required),

Opens any time upon request.


3-6 Yotsuya,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo





 汁  じゅんさい 水辛子

向附 天然本鮪たたき 茗荷 葱 山葵 海苔

煮物椀 蓮根豆腐 車海老 雲丹 青菜 柚子

焼物 鱸すずき塩炭火焼き はじかみ 柚餅子

強肴 新じゃがバター餡かけ 鴨治部煮

々  胡瓜胡麻酢和え 穴子

小吸物 莫大海

八寸 ピーマン 唐墨

香物 白瓜雷干し 人参

湯斗 湯の子

水菓子 西瓜

甘味  あんこ餅

お一人様   税差込み18,150円 のお献立の一例です。

消費税10%、サービス料10% 込みの料金でございます。

お一人様    12,100円(一汁三菜、5名様より承ります)
                   14,520円(一汁三菜、強肴2品 3名様より承ります)        
                    18,150円(一汁三菜、強肴2品 3名様より承ります)
        24,200円(一汁三菜、強肴2品 2名様より承ります)